
Cole the babysitter
Cole the babysitter

  • In the sequel, he's sweet on Melanie until he finds out she's been playing him all along.
  • cole the babysitter

    By the time it's over, he's been through a harrowing ordeal that brings him closer to his neighbor, Melanie.

  • The first film starts with Cole nursing a crush on his babysitter, until he finds out what she's really like.
  • As a junior in high school, he's stuck in therapy and at the bottom of the totem pole until Melanie invites him to the lake to try and help him get over the events of the first film.
  • Happy Ending Override: The sequel shows that in the aftermath of Bee's failed ritual and subsequent rampage through the neighborhood, no one except Melanie believed Cole and he's become a social pariah.
  • cole the babysitter

    He's still willing to go after him, but he's sure as hell not doing it without a good plan. By the sequel, he's pieced together that trying to surprise the kid usually ends up with the offending party dead, often in an extremely messy way.

  • Determinator: Lampshaded by Allison to be one as she sees him fighting to cut the ropes trapping him in the chair.
  • Melanie: (smiles) It was really sweet of you, though. Melanie: It locks from the inside, dumbass. Melanie: (from other side of the door) What're you doing?!
  • Declaration of Protection: Said verbatim when he locks Melanie in her downstairs bathroom.
  • Things change by the end of the second film, with Cole becoming an unlikely hero and now has his first girlfriend. On the other, he's reasonably good-looking for a kid and he's pals with his smoking hot teenaged babysitter.
  • Cool Loser: On one hand, Cole is constantly picked on by the neighborhood bully (Jeremy), who also eggs his house.
  • Everyone else either makes his life a living hell by either bullying him, or trying to kill him.
  • Butt-Monkey: To damn near everyone, excluding his parents and the one friend that he has.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Gets bullied a lot in school from basically everyone.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Bee calls him "C." Max calls him "Coley," though the line between "affectionate" and "mocking" is a little blurry on that one.
  • When getting his blood extracted, he was straining very hard.
  • Afraid of Needles: He is REALLY not a fan of needles.
  • Action Survivor: He is smart and can come up with plans to defeat the cultists, though sometimes it's out of sheer luck he manages to survive.
  • But apparently I’m in the minority with that opinion.Played by: Judah LewisThe film's protagonist: A well-behaved 12-year old kid, who's the target of constant ridicule and bullying. This film is an over the top, cartoony, unrealistic mess. I felt no investment in the main lead and, while not a bad performance, I really didn’t care about his character.


    It seems the laws of physics, gravity and so on aren’t present in this movie so I’m constantly left scratching my head whenever someone dies. The death scenes also didn’t make any sense to me. When your story doesn’t make any sense and is never explained it makes it a little bit difficult to get invested in it.

    cole the babysitter

    I’ve heard that this was supposed to be a “horror comedy” but the film falls completely flat in both genres. The death scenes also An annoying, nonsensical waste of time.

    Cole the babysitter